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Eat too much? Try a digestif
2 min read
With the holidays upon us surely we are bound to overindulge once or twice. While the enjoyment of a holiday feast brings pleasure, the feeling of being stuffed to the point of being put...
5 Ways to Trim the Fat from Your Thanksgiving Dinner
2 min read
Skip the heavy appetizers. Why fill up on cheese and crackers when there is a nice home-cooked meal to enjoy? Pass the rolls. This means less processed flour and less butter. Reduc...
5 ways to burn off Thanksgiving Calories
3 min read
The Calorie Control Councilfound that we eat more than 4,500 calories and 229 grams of fat during the typical Thanksgiving meal. Here are a few ways to get back to healthy living aft...
Good sleep patterns help the heart
1 min read
Healthy sleep habits are associated with a lower risk of heart failure. Adults with the healthiest sleep patterns (morning risers, sleeping 7-8 hours a day and no frequent insomnia, snor...
Check out Hueco Tanks
1 min read
If you are feeling a little stir crazy, you can load up your household in the car and head to Hueco Tanks.For thousands of years, people have trekked to these rock hills just outside El ...
Be honest about your emotions this holiday season
2 min read
The upcoming holidays may drastically highlight our feelings of distance from those we love. It may be necessary to start mentally preparing now for a different experience this holiday s...
Preplan your Thanksgiving prayer
1 min read
Thanksgiving traditions may be compromised this year. Most of us will be participating in a smaller celebration than usual. But, it may be the perfect opportunity to spend a little m...
Give stress the ‘Five Flower’ punch
2 min read
Managing stress without the use of pharmaceuticals is not new. In fact, the original ‘Bach Flower Remedies’ is a safe and natural method of stress healing discovered in the 1920’s by Dr....
Healthy Thanksgiving Part 2: Cauliflower Au Gratin
3 min read
This recipe for Cauliflower Au Gratin by is a creamy and healthier alternative to potatoes any day of the week but Thanksgiving seems like a great day to serve them up. Yie...
Different types of squats for a better shape
3 min read
Squats benefit your glutes better than a cardio workout. But, it’s important to mix up the type of squat exercises each time you work out to get maximum results. Here are few options: ...
Time of day and weight loss
2 min read
Restricting meals to early in the day did not affect weight among overweight adults with prediabetes or diabetes, according to preliminary research to be presented at the American Heart ...
Make it a Disney Day
1 min read
Mickey Mouse first appeared publicly in the short film ‘Steamboat Willy’ on November 18, 1928, the day fans officially recognize as Mickey Mouse’s Birthday. In anticipation of this...
Practicing gratitude brings happiness
1 min read
The benefits of practicing gratitude can lead you to a feeling of happiness and give you a deeper appreciation of your daily life. Taking time to reflect upon the things you are grat...
Create your own luck
2 min read
This Friday the 13th we thought we would talk about ‘luck.’ Luck isn’t always something that you stumble upon, or that randomly happens to you, sometimes you can find it -if you know whe...
The mighty, mighty cranberry
2 min read
Cranberries are a superfood. People can consume them in the form of a sauce or a juice. They can also add them to stuffing, casseroles, or dessert. These highly nutritious berries are al...
Healthier Thanksgiving Dinner: Stuffing
3 min read
November brings us the great American feast known as Thanksgiving. Every year dieticians warn us against the insanely high caloric intake by eating this traditional meal. In the coming w...
Three household jobs that burn major calories
2 min read
Many of us spruce up our homes in preparation for fall and winter. This year, since we will most likely spend even more time at home it seems like tackling a few household chores might m...
The New Body Temperature
1 min read
In the nearly two centuries since German physician Carl Wunderlich established 98.6°F as the standard "normal" body temperature, it has been used by parents and doctors alike as the meas...
Write a holiday letter
1 min read
The old-fashioned Christmas Card has been replaced by a Christmas Text or Gif. Sending holiday greetings in the mail seems to have been forgotten amid the hustle and bustle of the ...
Plan a digital-detox day
1 min read
COVID updates and other topics currently in the news are upsetting. While staying informed is important, it does not mean we have to be attached to our phones for hours on end engaged in...
Share the warmth
1 min read
It’s the time of year when we pull out our heavier blankets and sweaters and prepare for a few months of cold weather. This year, as you rummage through your closets, consider making a d...
A daily dose of Classical Music may work wonders
2 min read
We all know that music can soothe the savage beast, but it can also have almost miraculous effects on our physical, mental and emotional health. While not the most popular genre of music, Cl...
Salads aren’t just for summer anymore!
2 min read
Most people eat more fruits and vegetables during the spring and summer months when produce shelves seem to overflow with freshly grown – and refreshing choices. But, just because it is ...
Design your fitness program
2 min read
Sure it is easy to say that you will exercise every day but actually doing it is another story. As the holidays approach and winter weather makes going outdoors a little harder, it is ti...
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