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Mental illness affects the heart as well
2 min read
University of South Australia scientists have uncovered another reason why society should be paying more attention to mental health: it is closely aligned to blood pressure and heart rat...
Mimosas for all the Mamas
1 min read
s This easy two-ingredient drink is a perennial brunch favorite and is perfect for starting Mother’s Day off right. Simply splash some orange juice into a Champagne flute, then top it...
Honoring our lost mothers
2 min read
It’s important to include our mothers who have passed on as we we celebrate Mother’s Day. In fact, Hope Edelman, Author of Motherless Daughters offers this advice: Look for ways to ho...
National Nurses Day
1 min read
National Nurses Day is observed annually on May 6th. On this day, we raise awareness of all nurse contributions and commitments and acknowledge the vital role nurses play in society. Thi...
After ‘Cinco de Mayo’ Hangover Cure
2 min read
Since most Americans take May 5th as a great occasion to indulge in Margaritas and other Mexican libations, a hangover cure might be just what you will be needing in the morning. Here is a t...
Greens for Spring
2 min read
Now is the time for fresh Spring Greens. Arugula, spinach, lettuce, chard and collard greens are at their brightest during spring. Try this super easy and super good for you Spinach Pepi...
How to start exercising at any age or weight
2 min read
Whether you're 50, 65 or 80, there's virtually no downside to getting into better shape through a good exercise regimen. In fact, the older you get, the more important exercise becomes a...
Got food cravings? Microbes may be responsible
1 min read
New University of Pittsburgh research on mice shows for the first time that the microbes in animals' guts influence what they choose to eat, making substances that prompt cravings for di...
Make a May Basket
1 min read
Ever heard of the May baskets? On the first day of May (May Day) people would leave a paper basket or cone containing spring flowers and sweets on each other’s doorsteps, usually anonymo...
Talking to yourself can be a great conversation
3 min read
What we say to ourselves, when we say it, and how, has a tremendous impact on our self-esteem, beliefs about self-efficacy, and overall sense of worth. Dr. Julia Harper, an occupation...
International Dance Day
1 min read
International Dance Day is observed on April 29th. The day celebrates the positive effect dancing has on our lives and recognizes its monumental place across all cultures. Challenge y...
Dance the blues away
1 min read
It’s hard not to be happy when you’re dancing. Dancing can be a good physical workout as well as an emotional release. Here are the main benefits of dancing for health. Improves agil...
5 Foods That Can Help Improve Your Balance
1 min read
Everyone talks about a balanced diet. But it turns out that what you eat can also affect how you balance, physically. Foods containing high levels of resveratrol have been proven to help...
Balance and Stability Training
2 min read
Maintaining your balance and stability is incredibly important as you age. Improving your balance can help you avoid falls while keeping you active and independent, according to the Amer...
Tumors destroyed with sound don't recur
2 min read
Noninvasive sound technology developed at the University of Michigan breaks down liver tumors in rats, kills cancer cells and spurs the immune system to prevent further spread -- an adva...
Cielo Vista Farmers Market April 24
1 min read
Enjoy a beautiful spring day at the Cielo Vista Farmers market located in the Food Court parking lot of Cielo Vista Mall Sunday April 24 from 1-5PM. Meet over 100 local vendors including...
Bad mood? Blame the wind.
1 min read
Can the weather impact your mood? The answer’s “Yes.” In fact, weather-related mood changes with the wind. Wind can make us unhappy. Studies show that the changes in barometric pressure co...
Earth Day
2 min read
As citizens of the world, we can take action to protect the Earth, its creatures, and its habitats. Greener living can include more fuel-efficient vehicles or windows. It can also includ...
The ABC's of CBD
3 min read
Cannabidiol is a popular natural remedy used for many common ailments. Better known as CBD, it is one of more than 100 chemical compounds called cannabinoids that are found in the cannabis p...
Eggs aren’t just for Easter
2 min read
Eggs are considered one of nature's most complete foods. They're filled with protein while free of carbs and sugar. Yet when it comes to whipping up healthy egg recipes, some folks fear ...
No bike? No problem! Try this exercise
2 min read
Cycling in the air, also called the bicycle maneuver, is an exercise that requires you to lie on your back, raise your legs and circle them as you would when riding a bike. When you perf...
Cycling helps patients with ‘accelerated aging’ disease
1 min read
Cycling for 35 minutes three times a week for 12 weeks led to a 32 per cent increase in overall fitness in people with MD A study led by McMaster University researchers has found that...
Easter Sunday Postgame Egg Hunt Scramble
1 min read
Break out the baskets and come celebrate Easter Sunday with the Chihuahuas at Southwest University Park for a postgame Easter Egg Hunt for kids 12 and under! Gates open at 11:00AM. Pr...
Emotional Benefits of Holidays
2 min read
During times of uncertainty and danger, people often use rituals to reduce their stress and exert control over their environment. From reciting blessings to raising a glass to make a toa...
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