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Appreciate the first responders in your life
1 min read
This year marks the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001 and today is a great day to do something special for the Firefighters, Police officers, and EMT’s in your life....
Dream a little dream
1 min read
Dealing with the realities of everyday life often put our dreams on the back burner. But making time to envision your own personal dream is a helpful way to keep hope alive and set your path...
‘Don’t worry, B-Vitamin Happy’
1 min read
B vitamins are a group of eight nutrients, such as B6, and B12, are essential for brain health and a stable mood. B vitamins support your central nervous system. They play a significant ...
Grilled corn, basil and tomato salad
2 min read
Late summer or early fall is the perfect time for this easy and nutritious salad that you can put together in less than 30 minutes. Ingredients: 12 ears of corn, husked 6tables...
Bowling for fitness
2 min read
Bowling can be a fun way to get some exercise according to experts. For weight loss: Bowling increases your metabolism and therefore can aid in weight loss. Bowling can also burn any...
Heart may alter decision-making brain circuits
2 min read
Anxiety, addiction, and other psychiatric disorders are often characterized by intense states of what scientists call arousal: The heart races, blood pressure readings rise, breaths shor...
Say goodbye to summer with a watermelon frosé
1 min read
Labor Day weekend marks the unofficial end of summer. Today, on Sunday Funday we say bust out the blender and say goodbye to the season with this seasonal cocktail. Watermelon Frosé Cu...
Saying goodbye to our old friend, summer
1 min read
Most of us enjoy the slower pace and relaxed vibe of summer. But, experiencing end-of-summer sadness can be a mix of negative emotions, such as guilt, regret, panic, and the realization ...
It’s National Food Bank Day
1 min read
National Food Bank Day on the first Friday in September encourages you to commit to contributing to the cause that believes no one should go to bed hungry. Food banks across the count...
Apple Cider Vinegar for Summer Colds
2 min read
Unlike a winter cold that is caused by the rhinovirus, summer colds are often caused by another group of viruses known as the enteroviruses. The infection spreads when you come in contac...
Healthiest delivery pizza
1 min read
Pizza is a go-to dinner favorite especially this time of year.This football season, before ordering your usual pizza delivery consider trying this healthier option. According to the webs...
The benefits of imaginary exercise
2 min read
We have all heard the phrase, ‘mind over matter.’ Well, studies show that our bodies respond by simply imagining exercise. Researchers analyzed data from a study of patients who had their ar...
One in three Americans had COVID-19 in 2020
1 min read
A new study published in the journal Nature estimates that 103 million Americans, or 31 percent of the U.S. population, had been infected with SARS-CoV-2 by the end of 2020. Columbia Uni...
Cruise Through Downtown El Paso!
1 min read
Get those cruisers ready and Sun City Cruisers as they ride their bikes through downtown El Paso Sunday, August 29 at 5:30pm. The group is scheduled to roll-out at 6pm from San Jacinto P...
Feeling Irritable
3 min read
Irritability is a common emotion. Many factors can cause or contribute to irritability, including life stress, a lack of sleep, low blood sugar levels, and hormonal changes. When a perso...
Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone
1 min read
Most of us are creatures of habit. We tend to go to the same restaurants, buy the same groceries, or take the same path on our walks. Today on Inspire Friday, we encourage you to try someth...
Ginger offers many health benefits
2 min read
Ginger is a flowering plant that originated in Southeast Asia. It is considered one of the healthiest spices on the planet. Ginger can be used fresh, dried, powdered, or as an oil or jui...
Cantaloupe Smoothie
2 min read
This cantaloupe smoothie is perfect for late summer. It is fresh, creamy and the optional walnuts add protein. Ingredients 1 ripe, peeled banana (broken in half) ⅔ cup cantaloup...
Try this toe tapping workout
2 min read
This move warms up your muscles and gets your heart pumping while still being easy on your joints. Go for 60 reps (or 2 minutes) Stand with feet wide and toes pointing to 10 and 2...
Plant based diet may lower heart disease risk
1 min read
Eating more nutritious, plant-based foods is heart-healthy at any age, according to two research studies published today in the Journal of the American Heart Association, an open access ...
National Be an Angel Day
1 min read
On August 22nd, National Be An Angel Day encourages good deeds and kindness to others. This Sunday Funday, be someone’s angel. Offer an ear to listen, a hand to lift them up, or a shoulder t...
The emotions of aging
2 min read
If you find yourself spending too much time looking into the rearview mirror of life, you may be experiencing a midlife, or later-life, crisis. You’re not alone: In fact, recent research...
Back to School
2 min read
Heading back to school isn’t just for children or college bound young adults. Fall can be an excellent time to take a class in something you have always wanted to learn more about. Accor...
Astral Projection can open doors
2 min read
The concept of astral projection has been around since ancient times, but it rarely is examined in modern life. According to proponents, astral projection helps to reach new levels of kn...
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