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Fuel for fitness
2 min read
So, you are pumped up to start exercising and ready to run out the front door or drive to the gym. But, just like making sure your car has enough gas to get you there, fueling your body ...
Brain differences in children who binge eat
1 min read
Brain scans of children ages 9-10 with a type of eating disorder that causes uncontrollable overeating showed differences in gray matter density compared to their unaffected peers, accor...
Start a gratitude journal
1 min read
Experts agree that giving thanks is good for your mental health. You can take a simple step to living a more grateful life by starting a gratitude journal. Here are some tips:Start off by li...
Equinox Mystic Market
1 min read
Welcome the spring equinox at the Evening Mystical Market March 20, 2022, 4-8 pm at Keystone Heritage Park / El Paso Botanical Garden, 4200 Doniphan Dr, El Paso, TX, 79922. The outdoor e...
Grow the perfect tomato
1 min read
Even if you are not known for your green thumb, growing your own tomatoes can give you a sense of accomplishment and pride. Perfectly suited for El Paso’s warm spring weather, now is the...
Oatmeal Mask for your skin
2 min read
Springtime may bring the need to relieve skin problems such as eczema, sunburn and poison ivy. Many people swear by oatmeal as a way of relieving itchy, irritated skin. This homemade oat...
Asparagus in spring
2 min read
Asparagus sprouts in early spring and is one of the first signs of the new season. It’s a great green staple, and it’s affordable and abundant in the springtime. Embrace all things asparagus...
Benefits of afternoon exercise
2 min read
Daylight Savings Time allows us to stretch our afternoon and may give us the perfect time to exercise. Here are three benefits of exercising in the afternoon. (As opposed to other times ...
Dementia patients struggle to cope with change
2 min read
People with dementia struggle to adapt to changes in their environment because of damage to areas of the brain known as 'multiple demand networks', highly evolved areas of the brain that...
Almost Pi Day
1 min read
Geeks, nerds and math whizzes celebrate National Pi Day on 3/14. Since today is Sunday 3/13, we say it is a great day to enjoy a piece of pie. Whether you make your own, order one for de...
Reset Your Mindset
2 min read
A mindset is a collection of beliefs we each have about ourselves and the world around us. When things aren’t going well, we tend to think more negatively about everything. Sometimes, it...
‘Tis the season for Spring Cleaning
1 min read
Many chores need to be done seasonally, especially in preparation for warmer weather. So incorporate them into your spring-cleaning routine to get them out of the way early. For instance, ta...
Hay fever? Have a cup of tea
1 min read
Chamomile tea is known to relieve inflammation in your airways. Not only is chamomile an antioxidant with an antihistamine effect, it’s also a source of flavonoids, which help strengthen you...
Foods that naturally detox your system
2 min read
In the spirit of ‘spring cleaning,’ consider adding these foods that are rich in vitamins and antioxidants to assist your body’s natural ability to cleanse and detoxify itself. • Aspara...
Refreshing your workout routine
2 min read
You may be committed to a regular workout, but if you’ve been following the same patterns for too long, it’s likely the benefits you’re receiving from all of your efforts have significan...
How the body fights back against cancer
2 min read
New research from the University of East Anglia (UEA) and Quadram Institute reveals how our immune system can be triggered to attack cancer cells.The research, published today in the Journal...
National Procrastination Day
1 min read
March 6 kicks off National Procrastination Week. For those who want to enjoy this holiday by procrastinating, take the day off. Put off that piece of work until later. Take the time to r...
Flowers Improve Emotional Health
2 min read
According to behavioral research conducted at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, nature provides us with a simple way to improve emotional health – flowers. The presence of flo...
Get gardening
1 min read
If you have never tried gardening, why not make this year the year you discover your green thumb? If you are an avid gardener, it is time to plan out your green goals. Research s...
Get some green time
1 min read
Our lives are linked to the soil we inhabit. 95% of our food comes from the soil, and the health of that soil directly contributes to the nutritional value of the food growing within it....
Be mindful of what you eat
3 min read
Mindfulness means focusing on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting your feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations. We can also apply mindfulness when we nourish o...
Exercise helps prevent cancer
1 min read
Everyone can agree that getting exercise is good for you. It is also commonly known that it helps prevent cancer. As we kick-off Colorectal Cancer Awareness month, we share what it means...
Patients with rare skin cancer face 40% recurrence rate
1 min read
Patients treated for Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) face a five-year recurrence rate of 40% -- markedly higher than the recurrence rates for melanoma and other skin cancers, according to re...
Focus on positive thinking
3 min read
Even the most optimistic person hits a wall sometimes and finds it difficult to look on the bright side of life. Research shows that adopting a positive outlook is critical to our emotio...
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