Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Good 2 Know El Paso

News To Know


National Coming Out Day

1 min read

Each year on October 11, National Coming Out Day encourages civil awareness recognizing and supporting those in the LGBTQ community. The day celebrates individuals who publicly identi...


Crossword Puzzles to keep memory sharp

1 min read

Crossword puzzles offer several potential benefits that could contribute to cognitive health: • Mental Stimulation: Solving crosswords requires the brain to actively process information...


Foods That Help Protect Your Memory

1 min read

Following the MIND diet closely may significantly lower your risk of Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. To keep your brain sharp for years to come, doctors recommend limiting your ...


Physical activity and the risk of dementia

2 min read

Regular physical activity is one of the best things that you can do to reduce your risk of developing dementia experts say. A lack of physical exercise is one of the main factors wher...


Can the MIND diet lower the risk of memory problems later in life?

1 min read

People whose diet more closely resembles the MIND diet may have a lower risk of cognitive impairment, according to a study published in the September 18, 2024, online issue of Neurology®...


Sweet Pink Popcorn

1 min read

This is sweet, buttered popcorn with red food color added. Great for a girl’s birthday party, she-shed get togethers or for Breast Cancer Awareness events. Ingredients 2 cups sugar ...


The emotional impact of a breast cancer diagnosis

2 min read

A breast cancer diagnosis can evoke many emotions, from fear, shock and anger to disbelief, sadness and numbness. These emotions may change day to day or even hour to hour. Experts beli...


National Cinnamon Bun Day

1 min read

National Cinnamon Bun Day is October 4. Served with coffee or tea and enjoyed with a good book, a friend, or an early morning treat, the cinnamon bun does offer some health benefits. S...


When is hormone therapy used for breast cancer?

2 min read

Hormone therapy is often used after surgery (as adjuvant therapy) to help reduce the risk of the cancer coming back. Sometimes it is started before surgery as neoadjuvant therapy. It i...


The P.I.N.K. Diet

2 min read

There are different phases to the P.I.N.K. method. In the first phase, which lasts 3 to 14 days, you’ll be eating very few calories: about 1,000 a day, according to the sample menus. I...


Body weight, breast cancer risk and menopausal status

2 min read

Studies show a link between BMI and breast cancer risk. However, the way it’s linked to breast cancer risk differs before and after menopause. • Before menopause, women who are overwei...


Breast, ovarian cancers newly linked to gene variants

1 min read

Scientists have pinpointed thousands of genetic changes in a gene that may increase a person's risk of developing breast and ovarian cancer, paving the way for better risk assessment and...


​ Harvest Wine Festival

1 min read

La Viña Winery presents our annual Harvest Wine Festival; open September 28 - 29, 2024; from noon to 7 PM. Over 20 wines will be available for tasting and purchase. Adult admission to th...


Learning how to forgive

3 min read

Many people have misconceptions about what forgiveness really means—and they may eschew it. Others may want to forgive but wonder whether they truly can. Forgiveness does not necessarily...


National Day of Forgiveness

1 min read

September 27 is National Day of Forgiveness to encourage us to develop realistic methods for incorporating forgiveness in our lives. Forgiveness is a potent tool on a journey of spiritua...


​ Probiotics in cheese to aid digestion

1 min read

Probiotics can help your body maintain a healthy community of microorganisms or help your body’s community of microorganisms return to a healthy condition after being disturbed Many pe...


​ Cutting carbs, not calories, may be key to long-term weight loss

1 min read

The KETO diet rose in popularity a few years ago and eating a low-carb diet has been proven to help reduce weight. But dieticians believe that eating the right carbs is most important an...


Chair yoga: You can do these exercises sitting down

1 min read

Chair yoga is derived from traditional yoga, an ancient practice with poses that date back over 5,000 years. Many, if not all, traditional yoga poses can be replicated as sitting yoga po...


​ Travel could be the best defense against aging

1 min read

Forget about retinol night creams, researchers from Edith Cowan University (ECU) believe travel could be the best way to defy premature ageing. For the first time, an interdisciplinary...


​ Family Day at Oktoberfest

1 min read

Oktoberfest has been a Fort Bliss tradition for years, so don't miss your chance to come out and celebrate! There will be live entertainment by Terry Cavanagh and the Alpine Express...


​ HPV vaccine: How to talk to your kids

2 min read

Experts say that approaching the subject of the HPV Vaccine with your children should be the same as with any other vaccine. It is important to explain that the HPV vaccine is a safe and...


National Care for Kids Day

1 min read

Caring for children is the bedrock foundation for building strong communities and society. National Care for Kids Day on September 20 offers an opportunity for you to positively impact a...


​ 3 Nutritional Supplements to Protect From HPV

1 min read

The Human Papilloma Virus, also known as HPV, is a widespread virus that can harm both men and women and cause cancer and other health issues, including cervical cancer. The good news is...


​ Cervical cancer prevention through food choices

2 min read

For cancer prevention as well as overall health and wellness, many experts recommend a plant-based diet that consists primarily of fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains. These foods...

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Living a healthier life is a goal that we all strive for but often need encouragement accomplishing. Keeping track of nutrition, exercise, inner happiness and the latest healthy living information may be a time-consuming task. Having some friendly advice at your disposal, whenever and wherever you need it, makes it easier and more fun. With just a click, is filled with tips, tricks, recipes and personal stories that will inspire you on your journey to wellness. We strive to offer you information and advice that you can immediately incorporate into your life. Think of us as your source for intel on living well! is an initiative of the Rio Grande Cancer Foundation

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
616 N. Virginia St., Ste D
El Paso, TX 79902

Phone: (915) 562-7660