Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Good 2 Know El Paso

News To Know


​ Magic of Lights at Wet and Wild Waterworld

1 min read

Magic of Lights, a unique and dazzling drive-through holiday lights experience, is bigger and brighter than ever with more than a mile of spectacular light displays that bring to life yo...


Gifts with emotional impact

2 min read

To create a truly heart felt moment this holiday season, consider giving a gift that celebrates a meaningful connection between you and a loved one. Reflect on your relationship with th...


National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day

1 min read

Since 2011, National Ugly Christmas Sweater Day has grown to be an international event. Now occurring on the third Friday of December, the celebration gives holiday lovers worldwide a ch...


Send a ‘massage’ this Christmas

1 min read

Some people on our holiday gift list are impossible to shop for. Before you make yourself crazy, relax and give the gift of relaxation. A massage is a great gift because it helps reduce ...


Make these simple dark chocolate treats

2 min read

A recently published research report touted the benefits of consuming dark chocolate daily to help prevent Type 2 Diabetes. The article stipulates that it must be dark chocolate with no ...


Christmas shopping is great exercise

1 min read

It may become harder to fit in a workout during the busy holiday season. Not only does finding time present a challenge, but all the shopping can deplete our energy. The good news is exp...


​ Dark chocolate linked with reduced risk of type 2 diabetes

1 min read

Consuming dark chocolate (not milk chocolate) may be associated with lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes (T2D), according to a new study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. ...


El Paso Christmas Show

1 min read

El Paso Christmas Show 2024 will be held from 13th - 15th December 2024 at El Paso Convention Center in El Paso, Texas, United States. This is a great opportunity to get a head start on ...


Can fiber improve your emotional health? Yes.

2 min read

Digestive issues can significantly affect your emotional health. There is a strong connection between the gut and the brain, often referred to as the "gut-brain axis," meaning that dist...


National Cocoa Day

2 min read

Even though it’s Friday the 13th, this may be your lucky day. December 13th ushers in a celebration worthy of the winter holidays with National Cocoa Day. To celebrate the day, you can p...


How to boost fiber intake with supplements

1 min read

There are many different types of fiber supplements, and not all of them are right for everyone. Before starting any new supplement, you should talk to your healthcare professional. I...


High Fiber Snacks to avoid weight gain

2 min read

With all the goodies tempting us and derailing our diet, fiber might be the best way to help curb overindulgence to avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain. According to experts, boosting ...


Fiber in your diet can boost your exercise routine

1 min read

Fiber is a carbohydrate, which fuels the body. Eating fiber before exercising can help your muscles get the energy they need to work out. In addition, fiber helps regulate blood suga...


Poor diet contributes to digestive diseases

1 min read

Against the backdrop of an alarming increase in the number of people under 50 being diagnosed with bowel cancer, researchers are urging people to bump up their fiber intake and improve t...


​ Luminarias at the Lake

1 min read

Kick off the holidays with Luminarias by the Lake at Keystone Heritage Park. Enjoy hot chocolate while you stroll through the garden. Location: 4200 Doniphan in El Paso’s Upper Valley Da...


​ Sports can boost emotional health

2 min read

We all know that sports are great for your physical health. But participation in sports can have long-term effects on your mental health. Researchers studied 9,688 children who had bad c...


National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day

1 min read

Each year in the United States, National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day honors all those who lost their lives when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. More than 3,500 American...


​ Make your own sports drink

2 min read

If you are looking for a more natural approach to hydration after a workout, try making your own ‘Gatorade.’ The benefits are just as good (if not better), and you know exactly what’s in...


​ Choose the right sports drink

1 min read

There are dozens of sports hydration products on the market - but what do they really do? Almost all sports drinks contain carbohydrate in the form of sugars and electrolytes. The first ...


​ Picking up a sport fun way to exercise, build relationships

2 min read

Picking up a new sport can be a great way to challenge yourself, improve your emotional well-being, and make new friends according to experts. If you are inspired to suit up and get in t...


​ Americans agree sports build character

1 min read

In a polarized nation, there is one thing that nearly all Americans agree on, according to a recent study: Sports are good for us. Researchers from The Ohio State University and Ithac...


​ Avoid holiday stress before it begins

2 min read

The holiday season can bring wonderful times with friends and family, but it can also become stressful. Whether you celebrate Christmas, Kwanzaa, or Hanukah, here are some ways to avoid ...


​ National Native American Heritage Day

1 min read

National Native American Heritage Day on the day after Thanksgiving honors American Indians across the nation. The day celebrates the vibrant cultures, traditions, and heritages while re...


​ Practice gratitude with this meditation technique

1 min read

To practice gratitude meditation on Thanksgiving, find a comfortable space, close your eyes, focus on your breath, and actively bring to mind specific people, experiences, or aspects of ...

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Living a healthier life is a goal that we all strive for but often need encouragement accomplishing. Keeping track of nutrition, exercise, inner happiness and the latest healthy living information may be a time-consuming task. Having some friendly advice at your disposal, whenever and wherever you need it, makes it easier and more fun. With just a click, is filled with tips, tricks, recipes and personal stories that will inspire you on your journey to wellness. We strive to offer you information and advice that you can immediately incorporate into your life. Think of us as your source for intel on living well! is an initiative of the Rio Grande Cancer Foundation

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
616 N. Virginia St., Ste D
El Paso, TX 79902

Phone: (915) 562-7660