Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Good 2 Know El Paso

News To Know


Cancer prevention and food

2 min read

No single food can protect you against cancer by itself but research shows that a diet filled with a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans and other plant foods helps lower ...


Physical activity may lower cancer risk

2 min read

Here are a few more reasons to get moving. Research shows that people who exercise regularly appear to have a lower cancer risk. As we kick-off February, (officially cancer prevention mo...


New study suggests two paths toward 'super immunity' to COVID-19

1 min read

New laboratory research reveals more than one path toward robust immunity from COVID-19. A new study finds that two forms of immunity -- breakthrough infections following vaccination or ...


​ Plan your escape

1 min read

January 30 is National Escape Day. Whether you plan an escape to a tropical paradise or simply retreat to your bathtub to soak in some suds, today is all about taking a moment out of your da...


Dealing with discouragement

3 min read

As we near the end of January many of us will be evaluating how we are doing with our new year’s resolutions. If things seem right on track, that will certainly be a boost to your mood. ...


Manners maketh the person

1 min read

The proverb 'manners maketh man' means that politeness and good manners are essential to humanity. Good manners are, quite literally, what 'make' us human. This Inspire Friday, we encour...


​ Diluted vinegar for weight loss

2 min read

Apple cider vinegar remains a popular diet trend, but is it as great as it claims to be? According to Carol Johnston, a professor of Nutrition and Health Promotion at Arizona State Universit...


Foods that burn fat

2 min read

It’s a widely known that buying the right foods at the grocery store helps keep your dieting goals on track. But some foods pull more than their weight – literally. Here are some foods t...


Squat on the job

2 min read

Many of us are working from home again and limiting our visits to gyms. Physical fitness experts warn against falling into a sedentary slide and neglecting our regular exercise routines....


Eating green for the planet

1 min read

Swapping just one food item per day can make diets substantially more planet friendly. If your New Year's resolution is to eat better for the planet, a new Tulane University study finds ...


National Pie Day

1 min read

National Pie Day on January 23rd celebrates one of the Nations’ favorite desserts. No matter how you slice it, pie in just about any form makes a crowd happy. Fruit pies, berry pies, cream p...


Pandemic Frustration is real

2 min read

Research has shown that many people are experiencing increased frustration, agitation or anger throughout the course of the COVID-19. And over time, that anger becomes exhausting. Exp...


Show some kindness to a teacher

2 min read

Today is Inspire Friday and it is a good time to inspire a teacher in your life. While you may have some ideas on gifts or notes of encouragement, try lifting your teacher’s spirits (and...


Peppers offer winter allergy relief

2 min read

Winter allergies differ from other seasonal allergies because typically our homes are sealed up and we run our furnaces. Even with HEPA filters and cleaning every day, allergies can get ...


Pull a protein switcheroo

2 min read

Red and processed meats have been linked to increasing risks of disease. Let this be the year to decide to switch out some of your protein sources for healthier choices. Getting creative...


​ Weight training after 50 is crucial

2 min read

While many people over 50 are already on a cardio-based exercise routine, recent research suggests that lifting weights also becomes increasingly important with age. People over 50 begin ...


​ Exercise alters brain chemistry in elderly

1 min read

When elderly people stay active, their brains have more of a class of proteins that enhances the connections between neurons to maintain healthy cognition, a UC San Francisco study has found...


We have nothing for you

1 min read

Each year on January 16th, people across the nation recognize National Nothing Day. The observance was created as a day to provide Americans with one National Day when they can just sit with...


Emotional self-care in the new year

3 min read

Many people make resolutions in the new year to improve their physical health. Now is also the time to make some resolutions to improve your emotional health. As the new year begins, ask you...


​ Clear out the clutter

1 min read

January is a great time to gather what you are not planning to use and pass it along to someone who will. Whether it is blankets, coats or old appliances that may have been replaced by a...


​ Mouthwatering foods for dry winter skin

2 min read

You can help treat dry, winter skin by choosing foods that can restore your skin’s moisture.Your skin normally keeps itself well-protected with a layer of naturally occurring fats and oi...


​ Easy diet tip: Drink water

1 min read

If you are working to maintain your New Year’s resolution of sticking to a diet, here’s an easy tip: drinking plenty of water can help you lose weight. Some evidence suggests that increa...


​ Aspirin cautions: benefit-to-risk, not age

1 min read

Recent guidelines have restricted aspirin use in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease to patients under 70, and more recent guidance to patients under 60. Yet, the risks of heart...


It’s Sunday Supper Day

1 min read

National Sunday Supper Day encourages families to gather around the table, enjoy a meal and a conversation together each year on the second Sunday in January. This Sunday Funday,you can ...

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Living a healthier life is a goal that we all strive for but often need encouragement accomplishing. Keeping track of nutrition, exercise, inner happiness and the latest healthy living information may be a time-consuming task. Having some friendly advice at your disposal, whenever and wherever you need it, makes it easier and more fun. With just a click, is filled with tips, tricks, recipes and personal stories that will inspire you on your journey to wellness. We strive to offer you information and advice that you can immediately incorporate into your life. Think of us as your source for intel on living well! is an initiative of the Rio Grande Cancer Foundation

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
616 N. Virginia St., Ste D
El Paso, TX 79902

Phone: (915) 562-7660