Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Good 2 Know El Paso

News To Know


Ask yourself how you feel every day

2 min read

One simple way to connect more with your emotional self is to schedule time to reflect and ask yourself how you feel every day. Five to ten minutes of calm introspection and questioning ...


Imagine your life as a pie

2 min read

Pick a flavor that describes you and write two sentences that explain why, advises work-life wellness expert Samantha Ettus, who views the pie as the best way to think about a balanced l...


Hypnotherapy for high-blood pressure

1 min read

When you think about hypnotherapy, you may think about stopping smoking, losing weight, or helping with anxiety. Using it to help control high blood pressure may not immediately come to ...


There are nuts and then there’s Walnuts!

1 min read

Everyone knows that healthy snacking includes a good variety of nuts. But one in particular can pack a huge wallop.Walnuts are one of the healthiest nuts you can eat. Walnuts help mainta...


How to increase your heart rate

2 min read

One of the best ways to safely increase your heart rate is through aerobic exercise -- fitness where the main purpose is a healthier heart. To increase your heart rate, first find your t...


Test your heart health by climbing stairs

1 min read

Climbing four flights of stairs in less than a minute indicates good heart health, according to research presented at a scientific congress of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). ...


It’s National backward day

1 min read

January 31st honors everything backward with National Backward Day. The day provides an opportunity to reverse our ways, our direction or simply our shirt.Eat dessert first? Heck yeah! B...


How to agree to disagree – and mean it

1 min read

Recent events have not only divided our country, they may have also divided your friends resulting in emotional distress or a sense of loss. We often hear the phrase, ‘let’s agree to dis...


Reorganize for the new year

2 min read

January is the month for new beginnings and today we encourage you to clear the way for success-especially if you have adopted a new diet plan for the new year. Let’s start with your kit...


B Vitamins for weight loss

1 min read

Losing weight is never as easy as taking a magical pill. However, there are a few vitamins and minerals you can take to ensure your body is functioning as efficiently as possible for wei...


It’s grapefruit season!

2 min read

Grapefruit is 92% water, giving it one of the highest water contents of any fruit. That makes it good for overall health. Several studies have shown that people who eat half a fresh grap...


Stretch Every Day

3 min read

If you made a new year’s resolution to start exercising, congratulate yourself: We are in the final stretch of January and you already have one month down. And speaking of stretching, he...


COVID-19 reduces U.S. life expectancy

1 min read

The COVID-19 pandemic, which claimed more than 336,000 lives in the United States in 2020, has significantly affected life expectancy, USC and Princeton researchers have found. The re...


It’s National Peanut Butter Day!

1 min read

Today is National Peanut Butter Day. Whether your style is creamy or chunky, with marsh-mellow creme or with jelly, peanut butter gets the recognition it deserves each year on this day. ...


How to curb emotional eating

2 min read

While there is nothing wrong with occasionally enjoying ‘comfort food,’ eating to fulfill an emotional void can be serious. People who emotionally eat reach for food as a way to suppress...


Plan your good deeds for 2021

1 min read

Many of us write out our new year’s resolutions as we plan to improve our lives in the coming year. Now would also be a good time to write out how you would like to help improve the live...


Feeling anxious? Try 4-7-8 breathing

2 min read

The next time you feel anxious or stressed you can try this breathing technique. It’s quick, easy to remember and a simple way to relax. sit down with your back straight and the tip ...


Being aware of what you eat

2 min read

It’s more than halfway through January and those of us who started a new diet for the new year may need some advice to strengthen our resolve. Experts agree that by slowing down and beco...


Wake up your feet and hands

2 min read

People with poor circulation experience challenges with balance and mobility and have trouble starting an exercise regimen. This exercise is designed to wake the hands and feet through a...


Saccharin does not lead to diabetes in healthy adults

1 min read

For those trying to live a healthy lifestyle, the choice between sugar and artificial sweeteners such as saccharin can be confusing. A new study led by researchers at The Ohio State Univ...


A breathtaking view

1 min read

It’s great weather and a new year – why not head for the hills? Every Sunday Scenic Drive is closed to traffic from 7 a.m. to noon to allow the El Pasoans to safely walk, jog, run and bi...


Tell yourself to shut up

2 min read

We begin each new year with a renewed mission for personal improvement. But most of the time that mission is sabotaged by our own inner critic. Our inner critic is the voice in our head ...


What to do when inspiration is low

1 min read

‘Aspire to inspire before we expire, ‘- Eugene Bell Jr Everyone has someone in mind that inspires them. It may be an author, a prize fighter or a favorite teacher. Today, we encourag...


Apple Cider Vinegar for weight loss

2 min read

Several studies show that apple cider vinegar can increase feelings of fullness. This can lead you to eat fewer calories and lose weight. For example, according to one study, taking vine...

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Living a healthier life is a goal that we all strive for but often need encouragement accomplishing. Keeping track of nutrition, exercise, inner happiness and the latest healthy living information may be a time-consuming task. Having some friendly advice at your disposal, whenever and wherever you need it, makes it easier and more fun. With just a click, is filled with tips, tricks, recipes and personal stories that will inspire you on your journey to wellness. We strive to offer you information and advice that you can immediately incorporate into your life. Think of us as your source for intel on living well! is an initiative of the Rio Grande Cancer Foundation

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
616 N. Virginia St., Ste D
El Paso, TX 79902

Phone: (915) 562-7660