Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Good 2 Know El Paso

News To Know


Plant-Based Diet: A Detailed Beginner's Guide

5 min read

There are many diet options. While some emphasize all protein and good fat, others tout intermittent fasting as the way to a healthier life. Still other health experts believe that diets...


Making sense of complementary and alternative methods

3 min read

Complementary and alternative are terms used to describe many kinds of products, practices, and systems that are not part of mainstream medicine. You may hear them used to refer to metho...


Sun Safety Tips for Families

2 min read

Nearly 5 million people are treated for skin cancer each year in the United States. Skin cancer can be serious, expensive, and sometimes even deadly. Fortunately, most skin cancers can b...


Foundation offers free Sun Screen Dispensers

2 min read

As the summer heats up in the borderland, many El Pasoans are hosting or attending outdoor events and parties. Unfortunately, guests can easily get burned by the sun’s harsh rays. To hel...


Diet and Nutrition Tips to avoid prostate cancer

4 min read

Good nutrition may help reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer as well as slow the progression of the disease. Here is a guide for a healthy diet and good prostate health. Heal...


Sun Safety Tips for Men

3 min read

Why Are Men More Likely Than Women to Get Skin Cancer? Men, especially those with lighter skin, are more likely than anybody else to get skin cancer, including melanoma—the deadliest ...


Fun Ways to Prevent Cancer Through Exercise

3 min read

It has been proven that an active lifestyle is one of the best ways to avoid health problems. Yet for many of us, just the thought of a rigorous daily workout is enough to send us head f...

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Living a healthier life is a goal that we all strive for but often need encouragement accomplishing. Keeping track of nutrition, exercise, inner happiness and the latest healthy living information may be a time-consuming task. Having some friendly advice at your disposal, whenever and wherever you need it, makes it easier and more fun. With just a click, is filled with tips, tricks, recipes and personal stories that will inspire you on your journey to wellness. We strive to offer you information and advice that you can immediately incorporate into your life. Think of us as your source for intel on living well! is an initiative of the Rio Grande Cancer Foundation

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Contact Us

Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
616 N. Virginia St., Ste D
El Paso, TX 79902

Phone: (915) 562-7660