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Research identifies DNA, biological pathways associated with cancer risk

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Research identifies DNA, biological pathways associated with cancer risk

24 Feb 2025 by Ted Escobedo   1 min read

Thousands of single changes in the nucleotides that make up the human genome have been associated with an increased risk of developing cancer. But until now, it's not been clear which are directly responsible for the uncontrolled cellular growth that is the hallmark of the disease, and which are simply coincidences or minor players.
Stanford researchers have conducted the first large-scale screen of these inherited changes, called single nucleotide variants, and homed in on fewer than 400 that are essential to initiate and drive cancer growth. These variants control several common biological pathways, including those governing whether and how well a cell can repair damage to its DNA, how it produces energy, and how it interacts with and moves through its microenvironment.
These common themes hint at new therapeutic targets aimed at preventing cancer or stopping its growth, the researchers believe. Understanding which variants contribute significantly to cancer risk may also enhance genetic screening meant to assess a person's lifetime risk of cancer.
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