Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Diet Culture and Social Media’s influence

Diet Culture and Social Media’s influence

12 Feb 2025 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

Diet culture can be defined as a societal system of beliefs that prioritizes thinness as the goal of health and beauty and promotes weight loss to achieve higher social status. For many people, this may lead to a negative body image and even eating disorders. Diet culture is deeply intertwined with many aspects of our lives – so it’s no surprise that it’s commonly reinforced on popular social media platforms. However, experts warn that engaging in diet culture can lead to a negative relationship with food.
Here are some of the ways you might see diet culture being reinforced on social media:
• Influencers posting their current diet, juice cleanse, or restrictive regimen that promises other users weight loss
• Diet programs promoting weight loss by having users track calories and eliminate certain foods
• Online publications reviewing celebrities’ diets and food choices to let readers know how they “kept the weight off”
• Food companies marketing their products as being “guilt-free”
• Users posting misrepresentative photos of themselves to appear thinner or in a desired way (either through digital editing or posing)
If you’ve been negatively affected by diet culture or feel that food rules have taken over your life, it’s important to reach out and ask for professional support.

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