Are you a good friend?
05 Aug 2022 by Ted Escobedo 2 min read
This Inspire Friday we encourage you to check yourself to see how you fare on this friendship list offered by
1. A good friend shows up.
A huge part of friendship is just showing up and being available and reliable. You don’t have to tell your friends that you’re a good friend—you show them.
2. A good friend lets you be yourself.
A good friend helps create a space where you are comfortable being honest and transparent with them.
3. A good friends helps you be your best self.
A good friend isn’t afraid to do and say the kind of hard things you need to grow into a better spouse, parent, friend, employee, and person. When you bring your problems to them, they care, but they give it to you straight.
4. A good friend is empathetic.
A good friend can put themselves in your shoes, but also put themselves in your boss’s, your spouse’s, and your kid’s. This is a big part of why they can dispense such good advice and aren’t afraid to call you out when necessary.
5. A good friend is trustworthy.
A good friend creates a climate in your friendship that allows you to feel safe sharing what’s really on your mind and heart. Not only can you feel safe being transparent and vulnerable, but you trust them to keep things in confidence that are shared in confidence. You don’t have to worry about becoming part of the latest gossip going around.
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