Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


How to use natural mosquito repellents

How to use natural mosquito repellents

30 May 2024 by Ted Escobedo   1 min read

Ready to give natural mosquito repellents a try? Essential oils are the key. Some of the most popular are citronella, lemon, and eucalyptus oils. Here are a few things to remember before diving in.
• Buy your essential oils from a reputable source. The FDA doesn't regulate essential oils, so there are many faulty products on the market. Look for reputable sources that sell quality products. And read the labels to make sure you get the essential oil you want.
• Test the repellent in low-risk situations. There's a need for more research on natural insect repellents. And the proper formulations still need to be worked out. So, you should only test repellents in areas with a very low risk of mosquito-borne diseases.
• Use carrier oils. If you're applying an essential oil to your skin, always dilute it with a carrier oil like coconut, olive, or argan. You can start with 6 to 12 drops of essential oil per ounce of carrier oil.
• Patch test new products. You might be allergic to certain essential oils. So, it's best to test essential oil on a small section of your skin and see how your skin reacts.

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