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Tag: Bienestar

​ Physical exercise can reduce dementia risk

2 min read

Research has shown that people who take regular exercise may be up to 20% less likely to develop dementia than those who don't take regular exercise. This came from some analysis that co...


Ways to Get a New Diet off to a Good Start

2 min read

Did you resolve to lose weight in the new year? Here are some tips to set you on the right path: 1. Follow a Healthy Eating Plan A healthy eating plan (like the WebMD Weight Loss Clinic ...


Virtual yoga effective for chronic lower back pain

1 min read

Cleveland Clinic researchers found that a 12-week therapeutic virtual yoga program for chronic low back pain can be a feasible, safe and effective treatment option. The findings are publ...


Why some men avoid meditating

2 min read

There is a myriad of reasons why some men dismiss meditation as a means to improve their mental and emotional health. Here are a few ‘excuses.’ • Fear of being alone with thoughts: Being...


Can the MIND diet lower the risk of memory problems later in life?

1 min read

People whose diet more closely resembles the MIND diet may have a lower risk of cognitive impairment, according to a study published in the September 18, 2024, online issue of Neurology®...


​ Optimum protection against diabetes: Weight loss plus remission of prediabetes

1 min read

People with prediabetes are advised to reduce their weight to prevent manifest diabetes. Researchers from the Institute for Diabetes Research and Metabolic Diseases of Helmholtz Munich a...


​ National Garden Meditation Day

1 min read

National Garden Meditation Day, annually on May 3rd, encourages everyone to take time for yourself and relax. Working in the garden, tending to the plants and flowers, or resting quietly on ...


​ Top workout trends for people who don’t workout

2 min read

Whether you are young and eager or approaching middle age and beyond, starting an exercise routine has been proven time and time again to add longevity to your health. But, if working out i...


​ How watching sports can boost well-being

1 min read

For many individuals, sports have long served as a source of enjoyment and relaxation. Watching sports, particularly at large gatherings, goes beyond entertainment. It fosters a sense of com...


Study highlights the benefit of touch on mental and physical health

1 min read

Through a large-scale analysis, researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience have uncovered the ways in which consensual touch can benefit a person's physical and mental wel...


Exercising improves sleep

2 min read

Studies have found that proper exercise can alleviate sleep-related problems and help you get an adequate amount of rest. Recent research also suggests insufficient or poor-quality sl...


​ Seasonal allergies can make you feel sad this Spring

2 min read

Seasonal allergies, which affect about 36 million Americans, aren’t just an annoyance; many doctors agree that there is a real connection between allergies and mood. Research has shown th...


​ Mindfulness for better fitness

2 min read

When we think of meditation, we do not necessarily consider it as part of a fitness routine, but studies show that mindfulness is positively associated with cardiovascular health. Research ...


​ Wake-up call to establish regular healthy sleeping patterns

1 min read

It's official. Getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a night is currently out of reach for almost one-third of the population as Flinders University experts found 31% of adults had aver...


Enjoy Christmas lights by walking in your neighborhood

1 min read

If there is ever a reason to go out walking after dark, it’s the beautiful Christmas lights that await you. Plus, it’s an activity that can be enjoyed by the entire family. This week is ...


Easy (and healthy) Thanksgiving Salad

3 min read

The perfect way to brighten up a hearty Thanksgiving feast is with a ‘Gratitude Salad.’. This flavorful salad offers a complimentary yet cleansing bite that can easily be added to the tr...


Reading in childhood linked to better mental wellbeing

1 min read

Children who begin reading for pleasure early in life tend to perform better at cognitive tests and have better mental health when they enter adolescence, a study of more than 10,000 you...


​ Best Exercises to Ease Stress and Anxiety

2 min read

Almost any form of exercise can help reduce stress, but aerobic exercise may be the fastest way to get stress-busting benefits. Aerobic exercise helps ease stress by elevating your heart rat...


​ Sedentary time may significantly enlarge adolescents' heart

1 min read

Recent World Health Organization reports and guidelines note that more than 80% of adolescents across the globe have insufficient physical activity per day. Physical inactivity has been asso...


Inspiration Friday: Say ' I love you' more

1 min read

Inspiration Friday: Say, ‘I love you more.’ Love and gratitude go hand in hand. Many of us have people in our lives that we cherish and appreciate, yet we rarely take the huge step o...

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Living a healthier life is a goal that we all strive for but often need encouragement accomplishing. Keeping track of nutrition, exercise, inner happiness and the latest healthy living information may be a time-consuming task. Having some friendly advice at your disposal, whenever and wherever you need it, makes it easier and more fun. With just a click, is filled with tips, tricks, recipes and personal stories that will inspire you on your journey to wellness. We strive to offer you information and advice that you can immediately incorporate into your life. Think of us as your source for intel on living well! is an initiative of the Rio Grande Cancer Foundation

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
616 N. Virginia St., Ste D
El Paso, TX 79902

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