Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Study highlights the benefit of touch on mental and physical health

Study highlights the benefit of touch on mental and physical health

15 Apr 2024 by Ted Escobedo   1 min read

Through a large-scale analysis, researchers at the Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience have uncovered the ways in which consensual touch can benefit a person's physical and mental wellbeing.
Does touch truly improve someone's wellbeing? It is an easy question to ask but more complicated to answer. Individual studies often only focus on specific instances and may contradict each other. Combining all these studies together for a large-scale analysis offers a clearer answer: yes, touch substantially improves both physical and mental wellbeing, for example via reduction of pain, anxiety, depression, and stress in adults. But in fact, those with physical or mental health problems (and therefore most in need of support) benefit even more from touch than healthy adults. This is especially relevant considering how often touch interventions are overlooked.
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