Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Plan your supplements

Plan your supplements

22 Aug 2024 by Ted Escobedo   1 min read

Dietary supplements are exactly that—they are meant to boost an already healthy lifestyle. However, in terms of optimizing your health and wellness, supplements may help bring you to the next level. Here are a few Essential Supplements suggestions for your daily regimen
• Vitamin D
Low levels of vitamin D can lead to bone loss, depression, neurologic symptoms, and the addition of it to a healthy diet can aid in many different health conditions and athletic goals.
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that you can get from sun exposure. A twice daily (before breakfast and dinner) 1,000 units supplement of vitamin D is valuable to those who are deficient in vitamin D.
• Probiotics
The gut serves both as a barrier to infection and immune cell supporter. Located within the gut are bacteria that lend a helping hand in our immune function and stimulating our natural defenses. Building a healthy biome is one part nutrition and one-part genetics, but can also be supplemented with probiotics.
Natural sources of probiotics can be found in fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut, kombucha, and yogurt. You can also supplement with probiotics that contain millions of microbiome colonies. Your probiotic must include Saccharomyces (yeast), Bifidobacterium and lactobacillus species to be as effective as those in the scientific literature. Clinical research has shown that all of these components are required to truly lend you benefit for immune support and gut health.

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