Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Your new diet begins at the grocery store

Your new diet begins at the grocery store

08 Jan 2025 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

Even with the strongest intentions, sticking to a new diet can be difficult. Many people fail at keeping a healthier diet because they overlook the most important first step: grocery shopping.
Here are some tips for grocery shopping when starting a new diet:
• Make a list: A shopping list can help you remember what you need and avoid impulse buys.
• Eat before shopping: Avoid shopping when you're hungry, as this can lead to unhealthy choices.
• Read labels: Check the ingredients on packaged foods to make sure they're healthy. General guidelines should be to pick up foods with less than 5 grams of added sugar and are high fiber and protein. Remember to choose fresh over canned or frozen.
• Choose whole grains: Whole grains contain fiber, protein, and B vitamins, and can help you feel full longer.
• Increase your vegetable intake: Try to eat 2–4 cups of non-starchy vegetables per day.
Consider frozen foods: Frozen fruits, vegetables, and berries are often just as nutritious as fresh produce, and they're available year-round.
• Use the 5-4-3-2-1 method: This method involves buying five vegetables, four fruits, three proteins, two sauces or spreads, and one grain.

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