Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Include your dog in your dinner plans

Include your dog in your dinner plans

08 May 2024 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

It’s fun to do something different for our pets occasionally, and they certainly appreciate it, too. Here are a few different foods and meals that are safe for your dog to eat and tips on how to prepare them. The good news is that these are all great for humans as well!
• Chicken Cooked
Chicken is a good source of protein for dogs. Choose skinless chicken and boil it; then feed a small portion to your dog a couple of times a week. Chicken and rice are a good recipe to give to dogs — simply cook a cup of rice, boil a chicken breast, and shred the chicken into pieces before combining it with the rice. If you want to get even fancier, mix the chicken and rice with a vegetable such as string beans.
NOTE: Things to keep in mind before cooking chicken: The AKC advises to always take the chicken off the bone to prevent choking, and to be aware that some dogs are allergic to chicken.
• Lean Ground Turkey
Lean ground turkey is a safe food to cook for your dog. Like chicken, turkey provides a lot of protein and is an ingredient in many kinds of dog food. You can cook ground turkey in a saucepan or skillet or boil it until fully cooked. Then, like chicken, you can mix it with rice before feeding it to your dog. Avoid giving your dog turkey with any seasonings on it or turkey on the bone.
• Eggs
Cooked eggs are a safe, healthy food with lots of minerals and vitamins. Feeding your dog a scrambled egg is a delicious option occasionally. Don’t feed your dog eggs more than a couple of times a week, though, and never add spices to the eggs — not even salt or pepper. If your dog has conditions such as diabetes or pancreatitis, check with your vet first about whether eggs are safe.
• Raw or Steamed Vegetables
Several vegetables are safe for dogs to consume Carrots, Green beans, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Peas, Brussel sprouts, Lettuce, Celery, Peas.
NOTE: According to the AKC, vegetables that are not safe include: Asparagus, Mushrooms, Onions
• Fresh Fruits
While fresh fruits aren’t a dish you need to cook, this food is a great source of antioxidants and other nutrients. Grapes are toxic to dogs and should be avoided. But dogs can safely eat many other fruits: Bananas, Strawberries, Blueberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Mangos, Apples
NOTE: There are a couple of things you should be mindful of when giving your dog fruit. Don’t let your dog eat seeds, the peel, the pit, or the rind of any fruit you give them. Additionally, only give your dog small amounts of fruit, since the high sugar content can cause diabetes or other health issues.

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