Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Grocery Shopping Tips for Meal Preppers

Grocery Shopping Tips for Meal Preppers

21 Aug 2024 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

With kids heading back to school and the end of summer in sight, it is a great time to begin a new meal planning effort. Here are a few tips about how to do it:
1. Make a list. You’ll inevitably forget one or two items if you try to remember everything off the top of your head so make a list. Review your meal plan for the coming week and make your list using the Notes app on your phone, another app, or pen and paper.
2. Prep Ahead
You may be able to put together meals faster during the week by doing some of the work in advance. How long you spend doing prep work is up to you and your schedule, but here are a few food items you can start with.
• Fruits and Vegetables: prep produce as soon as you get home from the grocery store. Wash it, cut it, and put it in containers so it’s ready to go. That way, when the week gets crazy, it’s one less thing you have to do.
• Whole Grains: Throw together a batch of brown rice or quinoa, then use it in a handful of your recipes for the week. For example, have a quinoa salad for lunch or on the side with salmon.
•. Meat and Meat Alternatives. Cooking meat and meat alternatives (like tofu or bean burgers) can be time-consuming. So, save this task for a day when you don’t have a crammed schedule. Cook large batches so you have enough for multiple meals; freeze anything you won’t eat that week.

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