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Take a brisk walk on a cool morning but warm up before!

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Take a brisk walk on a cool morning but warm up before!

10 Oct 2023 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

Fall’s falling temps are the perfect reason to get outside. Taking a short morning walk of just 10 or 15 minutes won’t just burn calories and energize you for the day, though. It could also help control your appetite. In a study, scientists found that people who exercise have lower levels of a hormone called ghrelin, which makes you feel hungry. So, taking a brisk walk at breakfast time could help you stave off cravings all day.
But before you walk, warm up your joints. Being warmed up can result in fewer injuries and better workout performance. Warming up consists of more than just stretching your muscles. Warming up should literally warm your entire body and joints.
Try this quick warmup before your walk. Try to go from one move to the next without resting, feeling your heart rate warming up. Do two total rounds of each move:
• Warmup Move 1 – March in place:
Stand proud and tall! Bring your knees high! Do 10 marching steps with each leg.
• Warmup Move 2 – Arm circles:
Start with small circles and work your way up to big ones. Go forwards, then backwards. Bonus points if you can do your arm circles while marching in place.
• Warmup Move 3 – Ankle circles:
Stand on one foot and circle your ankle five times in each direction. Then switch legs.
• Warmup Move 4 – Give yourself some big hugs:
Spread your arms wide, then bring them around to wrap around your torso, giving yourself a big hug. Do 6-8 big hugs. Bonus points if you can march and hug at the same time.

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