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Getting kids active and away from technology this summer

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Getting kids active and away from technology this summer

18 Jun 2024 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

Teens and screens are one of the biggest challenges parents face today.
Children and adolescents need to be active for an hour a day. Exercise for kids can promote a wide range of benefits: it improves confidence levels, social skills and behavior, boosts attention levels and school performance, helps with coordination, strengthens bones and muscles, controls weight, and helps to get a good night’s sleep.
Here’s how can parents motivate their children to put down the phone and get moving:
• Choose the right activity
Pick the perfect sport or activity for your child and it can do wonders for their self-esteem and provide hours of joy - choose the wrong one and it can do the opposite. Consider your kid’s personality: are they more suited to team or individual activities? Let them participate in both to start off with, with tasters of different activities to see what they naturally enjoy and go from there. Don’t force young people to exercise - make it fun so that they don’t even know they’re doing it. Moderate activities such as rollerblading, scooter-riding, walking the dog, cycling or playing at the park are great ways to ‘sneak’ in some physical activity.
• Limit tech-time
If your child is spending a solid six hours a day in front of their phone screen, reduce this to three hours a day so that they don’t become addicted to technology. This could be implemented by focusing on tech-free times of the day: no tech before school, no tech at mealtimes and no screens at bedtime.

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