Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Exercise can reduce Breast Cancer Risk

Exercise can reduce Breast Cancer Risk

13 Aug 2024 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

Women who get regular exercise or some form of physical activity have a lower risk of breast cancer than women who don’t exercise. Overall, women who get regular exercise have a 10%-20% lower risk of breast cancer risk than women who aren’t active. This benefit is seen most clearly in postmenopausal women, but study findings also show a benefit in premenopausal women.
How much physical activity do you need? The American Cancer Society recommends getting 150-300 minutes (2½-5 hours) of moderate physical activity a week, or 75-100 minutes (about 1-2 hours) of vigorous activity. This amount of activity is linked to a decreased risk of cancer overall. You don’t have to get all the activity at one time. You can spread it out over the week.
Moderate activities include walking, mowing the lawn and slow dancing. Vigorous activities include jogging, playing tennis and swimming.
It’s not just intense exercise that’s related to a decreased risk of breast cancer. Women who get activity equal to taking a brisk walk 30 minutes a day have about a 3% lower risk of breast cancer than women who aren’t active.
Exercise can also help with weight control. Women who are lean have a lower risk of breast cancer after menopause compared to heavy women.

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