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Can Exercise Curb a Sugar Binge?

Can Exercise Curb a Sugar Binge?

15 Oct 2024 by Ted Escobedo   1 min read

Exercise may blunt the negative health effects of sugar—and it goes way beyond burning calories, suggests a study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise.
Researchers had 22 young healthy adults consume an additional 75 grams of fructose daily in the form of soda, which added about 500 calories to their normal diets. Then for separate two-week periods participants were either highly active—completing about 12,500 steps per day using a pedometer—or very inactive—completing only about 4,500 steps per day.
Blood samples following a test meal after each two-week period revealed that inactive participants with high fructose intakes had 88 percent higher triglyceride levels (fats in their blood—a risk factor for heart disease) as well as signs of higher inflammation. When people were active, however, these ill effects after drinking the sugar didn’t exist.
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