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Beat the heat with these summer exercise alternatives

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Beat the heat with these summer exercise alternatives

16 Jul 2024 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

The sweltering heat may hinder your ability to continue your outdoor exercise routine. In fact, it is recommended that you limit sun and heat exposure. Here are a few alternatives to outdoor exercise.
• Get up early
Getting up before sunrise and before everything (including the pavement) has a chance to warm up, could be a good way to still enjoy your favorite outdoor exercises and activities, even in the middle of summer. Try getting up as early as 4:30-5 a.m. to get in a quick walk, jog, or run and be sure to keep a close eye on rising temps and get back indoors before it gets too hot.
• Swim indoors
There are many benefits to swimming. Mainly, it is low impact. Swimming gets your heart rate going without overstressing the joints of your body. It can also tone your muscles and build strength. Here is a list of local indoor pools:
• Take up indoor rock climbing
If you have never considered it before, find a place with a rock-climbing wall to exercise indoors this summer. Rock climbing is one physical activity that requires you to engage many of the muscles in your body all at the same time. Doing this is heavy physical exertion and a great cardio workout. Here are a few places that offer indoor rock climbing in El Paso:

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