Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Tips to Adjust to Time Changes

Tips to Adjust to Time Changes

16 Mar 2025 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

With the first week of daylight saving time behind us, we may already have adjusted to the time change. Here is some expert advice for making sure you are always prepared for seasonal changes.
1. Go to bed and get up at the same time.
Get at least 7 hours of sleep on the day(s) before and after the transition. Lack of sleep tells the body to store fat. While staying up later or changing your habits is tempting, it’s best to keep your bedtimes consistent. The closer you stick to your normal routine, the faster your body will adjust to the time change.
2. Practice good habits before bedtime.
Avoid caffeinated beverages 4 to 6 hours before bedtime. Many experts also suggest avoiding alcohol at night. If you are exercising, avoid workouts within 4 hours of bedtime because raising your body’s core temperature can make it harder to fall asleep.
3. Power down.
If you know you have a tough time with time changes, you need to avoid electronics near bedtime, at least for a few days afterward. Electronics’ high-intensity light hinders melatonin, a hormone that triggers sleepiness. Light stimulates your brain and makes sleep difficult in the same way sunlight does. Also, turn off the television and pick up a book. Take a warm—not hot—shower. Dim the lights. Relax.
4. Keep your dinnertime consistent. Eat more protein and less carbs.
On the days around the time change, eat at the same time or even eat a little early. To ease the transition, shift your mealtime forward 15 minutes for a few days in a row. Our sleep cycle and our eating patterns affect each other. Don’t overeat. Also, if you find yourself feeling snack-y, eat a snack that is high in protein instead of carbohydrates. (This might seem like good everyday advice, but it’s even more important during time changes.)

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