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Signs Your Child Needs Counseling

Signs Your Child Needs Counseling

31 Aug 2024 by Ted Escobedo   3 min read

Changes in your child’s personality can leave you wondering, “does my child need therapy?” Sometimes these changes become prominent because of a traumatic experience, while other times they can emerge out of the blue. Regardless of the reason, these changes are important to pay attention to as they can help you determine when to seek counseling for your child
• Defiant behaviors
One of the most common signs that your child may need counseling is if they are having behavior problems both inside and outside of the home. You may find your child more inclined to argue, complain, and become defensive, even over the smallest request or conversation. Pay attention to these responses, especially if they occur more frequently than usual. Oftentimes, this is your child asking for help without them even knowing it.
• Sudden shift in usual interests and habits
Like the shift in behavior, changes in your child’s day to day interests and habits can signal that your child may need counseling as well. Most commonly, significant changes in eating, sleeping, and personal interests are easiest to spot and typically the most suggestive. If these changes last longer than two weeks, consider scheduling a check-up with your child’s doctor. In fact, they may be able to point you in the right direction if they believe emotional stressors, are the cause.
• Social isolation
If you notice your child withdrawing socially, this is also a sign to take a closer look at what is going on emotionally. Oftentimes, when children are sad or anxious, they will withdraw from social situations and turn inwards. When this begins to happen on a regular basis, and starts to take away from their interpersonal relationships, that is when it comes time to consider that it may be more than just a sad day. This is especially true if shyness and introverted tendencies are not common personality traits for your child. Here are a few ways that children socially isolate when they are upset:
Eating lunch alone
Avoiding playdates and other social activities
A lack of desire to leave the house for any reason
The sooner you pinpoint the signs your child needs counseling, the quicker you can get them the help that they need. With the signs listed above, you can be sure that you will know what to look out for when it comes to your child’s mental health and emotional well-being.

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