Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


How Does Diet Affect Prostate Health?

How Does Diet Affect Prostate Health?

11 Sep 2024 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

The male urinary system consists of many important organs aside from the prostate. The kidneys, ureter, Vas Deferens — the tube that is modified during a vasectomy, bladder, urethra, testicles, and penis make up the male urinary structure from top to bottom. Eating a healthy diet can help the urinary system prevent bacteria, inflammation, and decrease the acidity levels within your urine. These issues, especially if chronic, can lead to many serious health concerns that men of all ages must stay on top of. Again, prevention is key in this case.
Superfoods for a Healthy Prostate - Check out these easy to find superfoods for a healthy prostate:
1. Kale
All vegetables are important for your prostate health, but one of the best ones you can eat on a regular basis is kale. Kale is high in vitamin C and as a dark green leafy vegetable it is jam-packed with fiber, calcium, and other essential vitamins and nutrients that can encourage prostate health.
2. Proteins
Choose lean proteins with healthy fats whenever you can for prostate health. These options may include grass-fed beef and wild-caught fish that is low in mercury such as anchovies, sardines, and freshwater fish. These fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help with an array of health problems including high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart disease, and can even help you maintain a healthy weight.
3. Berries
Fresh berries are top superfoods for a healthy prostate, especially ones like strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries. Berries, especially wild and organic varieties, pack a powerful antioxidant punch and have a high vitamin C content. Their antioxidant content combats free radicals, which are agents that can contribute to cancer formation in the body. Their vitamin C content is an important healing vitamin and can help prevent symptoms of BPH.
4. Nuts
Nuts are also full of healthy fats and contain trace minerals that can promote prostate health. For instance, pumpkin seeds and brazil nuts are high in zinc, which is very beneficial for reproductive health. Nuts such as walnuts and almonds contain vitamin E and calcium which are known to prevent prostate cancer.

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