Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


FOMO and Emotional Health

FOMO and Emotional Health

22 Jun 2024 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

FOMO stands for “fear of missing out.” It’s the anxious feeling you get when you think others are having more fun, living better lives, or experiencing more exciting things than you are. FOMO can show up in many ways—it might manifest in feeling upset when you see photos of a party you weren't invited to, or it could be a sense of regret when you choose a quiet night in but then see your friends posting about their night out. FOMO is the feeling of dissatisfaction and longing for experiences that might not actually be as perfect as they seem online. FOMO isn't just a feeling of being left out. It can bring a mix of complex emotions such as anxiety, stress, feelings of low self-esteem, social pressure and unhappiness.
Overcoming FOMO is about changing your mindset and the way you interact with the world. Sometimes, FOMO will be heightened when we’re going through a challenging period in our lives and are feeling more sensitive. Other times, we might not even know why we’re feeling FOMO. Regardless of why you might be experiencing FOMO, becoming aware of how it’s affecting you will help protect your emotional wellbeing.
Here are a few tips to limit FOMO
1. Get off social media (at least for a while)
Log off from social media for a few hours, a day, a week, or even a month. Social media can be a major source of FOMO, so taking a break can significantly reduce those feelings. Use this time to reconnect with yourself and the physical world around you, away from the constant stream of online updates and notifications.
2. Practice mindfulness and meditation
Mindfulness and meditation can be powerful tools for keeping your focus on the present. By practicing these regularly, you can train your mind not to wander off into thoughts of what others are doing, ultimately helping to reduce your feelings of FOMO.
3. Start a gratitude practice
Keeping a gratitude journal, or simply taking time each day to think about what you're thankful for, can shift your focus. Instead of dwelling on what you're missing, you start to realize what you have. This practice can boost your mood and help you appreciate your own life more.
4. Set realistic expectations for yourself
Be kind to yourself. It's important to remember that nobody's life is perfect, no matter how it appears on social media. Set realistic expectations for yourself and your life and recognize that it's okay not to have everything.

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