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​ Surprising emotional health benefits of watching sports

​ Surprising emotional health benefits of watching sports

27 Apr 2024 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read
For many people watching sports is fun, whether it involves shouting at the TV, cursing the bad calls, or cheering on your favorite team with your nearest and dearest. But beyond the overall excitement and good times that come from traditions like tailgating and going to a stadium or ballpark, watching sports is good for you and there are numerous studies to prove it.

When it comes to sports fanatics, self-esteem scores big points after a team victory. A study from Ohio State University found that sports fans enjoyed at least two full days of improved self-esteem after their team clinched a win.
The study also found that fans on the losing side still had a boost in happiness and self-esteem when surrounded by friends in a group setting. As co-author and professor of communication at OSU Sylvia Knobloch-Westerwick explains, “Just feeling connected to others while watching the game helped sustain self-esteem.” She also points out how sharing the pain of defeat may have protected fans from taking a hit in self-esteem.
Another notable finding of the study is the way a game was watched. The participants that watched the game by themselves ranked significantly lower in self-esteem levels. And for those who didn’t watch the game at all, their self-esteem levels dropped. “People who didn’t watch couldn’t participate in the conversations, which probably led to a loss of self-esteem,” Knobloch-Westerwick theorizes.

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