Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Valentine’s Day Blues?

Valentine’s Day Blues?

13 Feb 2021 by Ted Escobedo   1 min read

Thanks to Hallmark, the flower and chocolate industries, Valentine’s Day has become a retail red letter day for couples. For single people however, the day may bring feelings of isolation and loneliness – especially during the pandemic.

While you may be tempted to spend Valentine's Day thinking about what you don't have such as a partner or a romantic date, it's important to shift those thoughts towards what you do have. Because, according to experts, nothing helps prevent a spiral into negativity quite like gratitude. The idea is simple: spend time focusing on the value of your relationships with friends, family and even pets.This shifts the nervous system out of a state of fear, sadness, and panic and back to the reality that you are not alone.


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