Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Understanding ‘closure’

Understanding ‘closure’

20 Aug 2022 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

Closure is any interaction, information, or practice that allows a person to feel that a traumatic, upsetting, or confusing life event has been resolved. The term has its origins in Gestalt psychology, but it is more commonly used to refer to the final resolution to a conflict or problem. The importance of closure, particularly after a traumatic event, is increasingly acknowledged in popular psychology. The need for closure often centers around a need for a missing piece of information, particularly about why someone did or said something. What constitutes closure varies from person to person and is highly dependent upon the context surrounding a stressful event. Examples of closure might include:
• Conducting a ritual to mark the end of a relationship–burning photos, writing a letter that is not sent, and so on
• Receiving an apology from someone who upset you.
• Receiving financial compensation for an injury or accident.
• Finding out the cause of a loved one’s death.
• Meeting with an ex-partner or ex-spouse, perhaps with a counselor, to discuss why the relationship ended or to learn why one partner was unfaithful.


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