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Psychology Explains Why Guys Don't Eat Vegetables

Psychology Explains Why Guys Don't Eat Vegetables

14 Jun 2023 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

Men are much less likely to eat their veggies than women, and now researchers say they know part of the reason why.
In a new study, men reported less favorable attitudes than women about the value of eating fruits and vegetables, and men also said they had less control over their fruit and vegetable intake than women did.
The study showed that "men don’t believe as strongly as women that fruit and vegetable consumption is an important part of maintaining health," said study researcher John A. Updegraff, associate professor of social and health psychology at Kent State University in Ohio. It also showed that "men feel less confident in their ability to eat healthy foods like fruits and vegetables, especially when they are at work or in front of the television," he said.
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