Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Get a spring in your step

Get a spring in your step

02 Mar 2021 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read
Walking continuously proves to be one of the best cardio exercises for general fitness and weight loss. As the temperatures warm and the days get longer, there is no excuse for not going for a walk. It is recommended that you walk at a brisk pace (3 miles an hour) to count as moderate exercise. To achieve maximum benefit, you’ll need two and half hours of this level every week, so many experts recommend walking 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

Start your walk by going slow for a few minutes, then pick up the pace. Walk tall with your head up, stomach slightly tight, and shoulders relaxed. Your steps should feel natural and smooth, with your foot rolling from heel to toe. Don’t forget to also cool down slowly.

But before you head out the door, put your best foot forward.Your shoes should be lightweight, cushioned, and flexible enough to bend in your hands. Cushiony, snug fitting socks are also recommended.

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