Exercise related heat exhaustion
25 Jul 2023 by Ted Escobedo 2 min read
Exercise-related heat exhaustion happens when your body can no longer get rid of the extra heat made during exercise, and your body temperature rises more than is healthy. Not drinking enough fluids during exercise can also cause dehydration. Together, these things can make you collapse.
Exercising outdoors on a hot day can cause heat exhaustion. But humidity also plays a large role. In high humidity, your body can’t use sweat to cool itself. This robs your body of one of the most important ways of getting rid of extra heat.
Many other things can make it harder for your body to get rid of extra heat. These include:
• Being in poor physical condition
• Having an infection
• Being dehydrated
• Using alcohol before exercising
• Being obese
• Not being used to a hot environment
• Taking certain medicines such as stimulants, antihistamines, and medicines for epilepsy
• Having certain medical conditions, like sickle cell disease or conditions that decrease sweat
• Having a chronic illness
Adults over the age of 65 and young children also have a higher risk for heat exhaustion and other heat-related illnesses. This is because their bodies cannot cool down as easily as those of older children and younger adults.
Source: https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-...
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