Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Does summer put you in a bad mood?

Does summer put you in a bad mood?

17 Jul 2023 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

Studies have shown that people experience increased frustration and anger in the summer months. Exposure to hot summer temperatures increases your heart rate, which leads to discomfort. Being uncomfortable can affect how you express yourself and color the way others interpret your words and actions. Here is an effective way to handle these flashes of summer madness:
• Ask yourself questions about your physical condition and psychological state. “Am I tired? Am I hungry? Do I feel bad, physically? Am I stressed about something else or toward someone else? Am I anxious or worried about something else?” Sometimes just recognizing and addressing those factors or situations can be enough to reduce the likelihood of an aggressive reaction.
• Breathe. Difficulty breathing can be a physical sign of anger, and it makes sense that you need to try to focus on your breathing to feel more grounded. To calm down and give yourself a chance to rationally collect your thoughts, start breathing in a very deliberate and rhythmic way. For example, inhale through your nose for a count of four, hold your breath for a count of four, and exhale through your mouth for a count of four. Repeat it four times. Deep breaths can slow your heart rate and help regulate your body and your mind.

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