Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


​ Boundaries: How to say no to others

​ Boundaries: How to say no to others

20 Jul 2024 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

If you struggle to say no, learning to identify signs of personal discomfort can help you know when to draw the line.
These five signs indicate your need to say no for your own good.
1. If you feel uncomfortable
Nobody knows your limits better than you do. If you are asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, it could be a sign that you need to say no. Take a moment to do some mindful breathing and listen to your intuition.
2. You feel guilty or obligated
In a work situation, it can be particularly difficult to say no. Your job may require you to oblige when superiors delegate tasks to you. But that doesn’t mean your time and energy are less valuable than theirs. Use your self-advocacy skills to step up and say no. Your decision should not be based on guilt or obligation.
3. When you’re overloaded
If you are overloaded with work, say no to more tasks or projects. Wait until you’ve freed up some time and energy before you take on anything new. If you are always working long hours, say no to working on the weekend.
4. If the request crosses your personal boundaries
When someone asks you to do something that crosses your boundaries, it is important to stop the process in its tracks and say no. Your boundaries are worth standing up for.
5. If you are only saying yes to please someone else
While pleasing others is a natural incentive for performing tasks, it shouldn’t be the only reason you work hard. If pleasing someone else comes at the cost of your own happiness and well-being, it isn’t worth it. Source:
The Rio Grande Cancer Foundation’s Good2Know classrooms series is presenting a free class. “Avoid saying, yes when you really want to say, No” Thursday, July 25, at 6PM. Reserve your space now: 915-562-7660

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
616 N. Virginia St., Ste D
El Paso, TX 79902

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