Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Tips for Dealing with Breast Screening Anxiety

Tips for Dealing with Breast Screening Anxiety

17 Aug 2024 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

Breast exams and mammograms are two of the most feared screening procedures in the OBGYN field; however, these screenings are necessary to help you maintain your breast health. It’s important to be regularly checked for cancer, cysts, and other conditions. But whether you have received a mammogram before, you might be feeling some anxiety before your next screening appointment. Here we have our tips for dealing with breast cancer screening anxiety.
Tips for Dealing with Breast Screening Anxiety
• Remember prevention is always the best treatment for any kind of medical condition, but early detection is second best. The earlier you start scheduling and receiving your exams, the easier it could be for your doctor to catch the very early signs of cancer. This also gives you a much better chance to beat it before it has the chance to grow.
• Your imaging experience is highly determined by how you were treated while you were there. It’s important for you to be surrounded by a team of friendly, professional, and experienced medical experts who will make sure that your care is in their capable hands every step of the way. Scout out a couple of breast exam locations and do your research to make sure that you have found a team you can feel comfortable with.
• It might be helpful for you to think of your mammogram or breast screening as something routine. If you are expecting an out-of-the-ordinary, scary experience, it is more likely to seem that way when you go for your screening. Just remember that screenings are a normal part of life and are essential for your health.

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