Skip the straw day
25 Feb 2022 by Ted Escobedo 1 min read
The fourth Friday in February is recognized as National Skip the Straw Day.Straws and other plastics cause harm to marine life in many ways. According to the National Park Service, Americans use 500 million drinking straws daily! So, on National Skip the Straw Day, that’s potentially 500 million fewer straws that don’t end up in landfills or the ocean. Today we encourage you to go an entire day without using a straw. Once you prove you can do it, it can be a great habit to adopt.
More on straws: Birds, fish, and other sea life consume plastics accidentally or when they mistake it for food. Plastics don’t biodegrade. They break down into smaller and finer, microscopic pieces. When plastics break down, they produce bisphenol A (BPA) which interferes with reproductive systems in marine life. It also produces styrene monomer which is a suspected carcinogen.
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