Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Consider a digital detox day for mental health

Consider a digital detox day for mental health

25 Jul 2020 by Ted Escobedo   3 min read

Experts agree that too much time connected to our devices and social media networks can take its toll on your emotional health. Making an effort to pause from technology may be a way to reconnect to yourself. Here are signs that you may benefit form a Digital Detox Day:

  • You feel anxious or stressed out if you can't find your phone
  • You feel compelled to check your phone every few minutes
  • You feel depressed, anxious, or angry after spending time on social media
  • You are preoccupied with the like, comment, or reshare counts on your social posts
  • You’re afraid that you'll miss something if you don't keep checking your device
  • You often find yourself staying up late or getting up early to play on your phone
  • You have trouble concentrating on one thing without having to check your phone
  • If you are afraid of going cold turkey, consider this plan:

    Setting Boundaries

    Setting boundaries on the type and timing of connections you’ll attend to helps ensure that you can enjoy real-world activities completely free of digital diversions.

    Times when you might want to limit your digital device usage include:

  • When you are eating meals, particularly when dining with other people
  • When you are waking up or going to bed
  • When you are working on a project or hobby
  • When you are spending time with friends or family
  • Before you go to sleep each night
  • Know more from our source:

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    El Paso, TX 79902

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