Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso




06 Feb 2020 by Ted Escobedo   3 min read

Proponents believe aromatherapy activates areas in your nose called smell receptors, which send messages through your nervous system to your brain. Aromatherapy uses essential oils that are believed to activate certain areas of your brain, like your limbic system, which plays a role in your emotions. They could also have an impact on your hypothalamus, which may respond to the oil by creating feel-good brain chemicals like serotonin.

Some experts think that when you put essential oils on your skin, they cause a response in your skin and other parts of your body, like your joints.

While aromatherapy should not be used exclusively instead of regular medical treatment, for some conditions, research shows that aromatherapy can have health benefits.

It may:

Ease stress, anxiety, and depression

Boost feelings of relaxation

Improve sleep

Help improve quality of life for people with long-term health problems like dementia

Ease certain types of pain, including pain from kidney stones and osteoarthritis of the knee

Fight bacteria when you put them on your skin

Ease some of the side effects of cancer treatment, like nausea and pain

Sources: WebMD

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