Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


Anxiety caused by current events

Anxiety caused by current events

01 Mar 2025 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read

Many people are finding it difficult to read or watch the news, scroll through social media or even attend a family gathering without stories about world current events affected their mood.
Continuously being exposed to troubling images and political events can trigger anxiety and anger in many people. For some, it can even lead to a continuous traumatic stress reaction.
While staying informed of events is important, taking steps to limit your exposure is equally as important.
Experts recommend that limiting your news consumption or social media scrolling if it becomes troubling and has a lasting effect on your emotional health. Some tips to try are to disable notifications that draw you into social media while you are busy with other activities.
Another step you can take is to allow yourself a specified amount of time and then put the screen down and walk away.
On the other hand, not all emotions that arise as a response to social media and the news are negative. You might feel you have a new purpose and be inspired to take positive actions, such as being creative or participating in marches.

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