Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


A daily dose of Classical Music may work wonders

A daily dose of Classical Music may work wonders

05 Nov 2020 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read
We all know that music can soothe the savage beast, but it can also have almost miraculous effects on our physical, mental and emotional health. While not the most popular genre of music, Classical Music in particular has been studied and determined to be the most effective.

Here are 5 Top Benefits of Listening to Classical Music

1. Decreases blood pressure

Classical music was effective at lowering participant’s blood pressure, while rap, pop, and techno actually raised blood pressure.

2. Boosts memory

According to a study, people who listened to Mozart’s music showed an increase in brain wave activity that’s linked directly to memory.

3. Reduces stress levels

Scientists claim that classical music’s tempo is similar to the human heart, which eases both anxiety and depression. If you’re feeling particularly stressed, listen to some classical tunes. A study found that pregnant women who listened to classical music were less likely to feel stressed throughout their pregnancy.

4. Puts you to sleep

According to a study of people with sleep issues, listening to classical music for just 45 minutes prior to bed can help improve sleep quality.

5. Relieves pain

Instead of reaching for another Tylenol, you might want to consider playing a Bach or Beethoven playlist. Multiple studies have shown that listening to classical music can help relieve pain.According to researchers in London, patients listening to classical music used significantly less pain medication.


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