Healthy Living & Prevention in El Paso


​ What to Do When You Feel Alone

​ What to Do When You Feel Alone

16 Dec 2023 by Ted Escobedo   2 min read
Feeling alone is a normal, human experience. You can feel lonely when you're by yourself or even when you’re in a room full of people. When you don’t feel connected with anyone or you feel like no one understands you, you might feel as though you are completely alone even if you’re around friends or family.

Whether you occasionally feel a little lonely when you’re at home by yourself or experience a deep sense of loneliness that never goes away, it’s important to address loneliness in a healthy way. Here is a suggestion about what you can do when you feel lonely.
• Acknowledge That You're Feeling Alone
Don’t waste your energy fighting your feelings or trying to suppress your emotions. Everyone feels lonely sometimes. And feeling alone doesn’t mean you’re a loser and it doesn’t mean you’re weak. It just means you’re human. Studies have found that labeling your feelings can reduce the intensity of them. So simply putting a name to loneliness might help your brain make sense of how you’re feeling and instantly help you feel a little less lonely.
• Develop a Plan
Sometimes you need to solve a problem. At other times, you need to solve how you feel about the problem. Consider whether the best way to address feeling alone should involve solving the problem by connecting with someone or engage in a healthy coping strategy that allows you to feel better. Drawing, knitting, or gardening are just a few examples of solitary activities that might help you deal with your loneliness in a healthy way.
• Connect With People from Your Past
When you are feeling alone, sometimes it’s easier to connect with old friends than it is to make new ones. Perhaps you lost touch with your college roommate over the years. Or maybe you have a cousin that you just don’t talk to very often. You might reach out and see how they’re doing. Talk about how you’ve missed being able to catch up and say that you’d like to reconnect.

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