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Say 'Neti' to fall allergies

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Say 'Neti' to fall allergies

22 Oct 2020 por Ted Escobedo   2 minuto de lectura

Autumn brings windy, high pollen-count days which can wreak havoc with your allergies. Using a Neti pot to rinse your nasal passages with saltwater is a great way to wash out pollen and mold-spore allergens before you even start having symptoms.

A Neti pot is a container designed to rinse debris or mucus from your nasal cavity. Neti pots are often available in pharmacies, health food stores and online. Other devices, such as squeeze bottles and pressurized canisters, also can be used to rinse or irrigate the nasal passages. Talk to your doctor to see if nasal rinsing is right for you and make sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions to avoid injury.

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El Paso, TX 79902

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