Red Bell Peppers high in Vitamin C
21 Oct 2020 por Ted Escobedo 1 minuto de lectura
If you would like to naturally increase your Vitamin C intake but are trying to avoid the sugar in fruit, red bell peppers are an excellent alternative source.
Try stir-frying and roasting red peppers since both methods preserve the nutrient content of red bell peppers better than steaming or boiling, according to a study on cooking methods. Or, try this super easy, high in vitamin C method: Sprinkle bell pepper halves with slivers of garlic and dried oregano, then pop them in a 400 degree oven until charred and sweet (15-20 minutes) and enjoy them as a side dish or an add-in to another dish.
Hint: To swiftly stem and seed a pepper, stand it upright, then use a sharp knife to slice off the sides, cutting from top to bottom, leaving the core, ribs, and seeds behind. If any white part remains on strips, shave it off with the knife.