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Exercise boosts immunity

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Exercise boosts immunity

20 Oct 2020 por Ted Escobedo   1 minuto de lectura

While the benefits of moderate physical exercise may be seen in your waistline, other benefits can occur in your immune system. The immune system is a complex network of cells and proteins that defends the body against infection. The immune system keeps a record of every germ (microbe) it has ever defeated so it can recognize and destroy the microbe quickly if it enters the body again.

A new analysis highlights the power of daily exercise on our immune system and the importance to keep working out even during the pandemic. The study suggests that regular exercise can also help the immune system find and deal with pathogens and slows down changes that happen to the immune system with aging, therefore reducing the risk of infections.

Forms of commonly recommended exercise are brisk walks, light cardio, and endurance training.

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El Paso, TX 79902

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