Breaking free from toxicity
04 Jul 2020 por Ted Escobedo 2 minuto de lectura
It’s Independence Day and perhaps one of the most valuable investments you can make in yourself is to break free from toxic people, situations and environments. However, the firststep to independence is to recognize toxicity in your life. Here is how you can do that:
You must first ask yourself if the situation is harming you. If you are constantly under pressure in an environment or absolutely dread dealing with someone in your life, it may be causing you emotional (and sometimes physical) harm. It is important to understand that toxic people are manipulative and often selfish. Most have a way of putting their needs before your own. They are also difficult to please and impossible to work with, even when you're trying to help them. In most cases, experts agree that one of the most effective ways to handle toxic people is to set limits. The process of setting limits starts by placing your needs first, creating emotional distance and recognizing manipulation for exactly what it is.
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