Vida Saludable y Prevención en El Paso


Be positive

Be positive

05 Jun 2020 por Ted Escobedo   2 minuto de lectura

Last week, we talked about the importance of setting clear intentions to envision the life you desire. Today, we encourage you to seek out positivity. There are hundreds of books that have been written about the power of thinking positive. Most of these books offer quotes of inspiration, like: ‘A positive attitude is contagious, but don’t wait to catch it form others, be a carrier.’ (author unknown taken from the book, The Daybook of Positive Thinking)

But if you really want to begin to change your outlook, it is just as important to pay attention to your own words. Ask yourself before you speak if there is a more positive way to frame your thought. Work hard to edit out the judgement and negativity from your language. After a while, speaking in a positive spirit will become your natural way of communicating to yourself and others. Make the effort to embrace positivity. Certainly, you can do it.

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
616 N. Virginia St., Ste D
El Paso, TX 79902

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