Vida Saludable y Prevención en El Paso


Good 2 Know - Local Tips

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Tag: Local Tips

Día Nacional de la Sonrisa

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El primer viernes de octubre es el Día Mundial de la Sonrisa (6 de octubre), una festividad relativamente nueva con una historia fascinante. Creado por un artista comercial llamado Harve...


Únase a una clase de yoga

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Algunas personas hacen ejercicio para aliviar el estrés; otros para desarrollar fuerza y aumentar la flexibilidad. El yoga puede hacer ambas cosas. Si está buscando un entrenamiento cons...


Aprecie a los socorristas en su vida

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Hoy es el vigésimo aniversario de los ataques terroristas del 11 de septiembre de 2001 y es un gran día para hacer algo especial por los bomberos, los oficiales de policía y los técnicos...


Kids twice as likely to eat healthy after watching cooking shows with healthy food.

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Television programs featuring healthy foods can be a key ingredient in leading children to make healthier food choices now and into adulthood. A new study found kids who watched a ch...


Foundation offers free Sun Screen Dispensers

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As the summer heats up in the borderland, many El Pasoans are hosting or attending outdoor events and parties. Unfortunately, guests can easily get burned by the sun’s harsh rays. To hel...

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Living a healthier life is a goal that we all strive for but often need encouragement accomplishing. Keeping track of nutrition, exercise, inner happiness and the latest healthy living information may be a time-consuming task. Having some friendly advice at your disposal, whenever and wherever you need it, makes it easier and more fun. With just a click, is filled with tips, tricks, recipes and personal stories that will inspire you on your journey to wellness. We strive to offer you information and advice that you can immediately incorporate into your life. Think of us as your source for intel on living well! is an initiative of the Rio Grande Cancer Foundation

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Rio Grande Cancer Foundation
616 N. Virginia St., Ste D
El Paso, TX 79902

Número de teléfono: (915) 562-7660